
Divulgado Resultado Final da Solicitação de Isenção do Processo Seletivo Extra & Mais Notícias da UFRPE

Divulgado Resultado Final da Solicitação de Isenção do Processo Seletivo Extra & Mais Notícias da UFRPE

Em uma atualização esperada por muitos, o resultado final das solicitações de isenção para o Processo Seletivo Extra foi finalmente divulgado. Este momento é decisivo para diversos candidatos que, agora, podem planejar seus próximos passos com mais segurança e clareza. Esse processo é essencial, pois democratiza o acesso à educação, permitindo que mais estudantes possam concorrer a uma vaga na universidade sem o ônus da taxa de inscrição.

Mahjong Madness: How an Ancient Game Became Downtown Kids' Latest Obsession

Mahjong Madness: How an Ancient Game Became Downtown Kids' Latest Obsession

In the bustling streets of downtown, amidst the backdrop of skyscrapers and the constant hum of city life, an ancient tradition is making an unexpected comeback. Mahjong, the venerable tile-based game with roots deep in Chinese culture, is capturing the hearts and minds of downtown's younger demographic, transforming from a pastime typically associated with older generations into the latest urban trend. This resurgence is not happening in the quiet corners of tea houses but rather in the vibrant and open spaces of the city, where history and modernity collide in the most delightful ways.

Crackdown in Macau: Police Dismantle Suspected Illegal Mahjong Operation

Crackdown in Macau: Police Dismantle Suspected Illegal Mahjong Operation

In a recent operation that seems straight out of a crime thriller, Macau police have put the brakes on a suspected illegal mahjong operation. Nestled around the bustling streets of Av. Marginal do Lam Mau, a seemingly innocuous shop was the epicenter of this clandestine activity. Following a tip-off, the local authorities swooped in, uncovering a hidden gambling den operating under the guise of a mahjong stall.

Experience the Ultimate Retro Vibes at 13Units Hong Kong Cafe: A Mahjong-Themed Haven

Experience the Ultimate Retro Vibes at 13Units Hong Kong Cafe: A Mahjong-Themed Haven

If you're the type to get excited about whimsical themed cafes, then you're in for a treat. From color-themed to the magical realms of a Harry Potter-inspired setting, the cafe culture has seen it all. But, for those with a penchant for mahjong and a love for all things Hong Kong, 13Units Hong Kong Cafe in Johor Bahru (JB) is your next must-visit destination.

Macau's New Legislation Targets Public Illegal Gambling, Exempts Private Games

Macau's New Legislation Targets Public Illegal Gambling, Exempts Private Games

Macau is setting the stage for a significant crackdown on illegal gambling, but with a unique twist that spares private gaming activities. In a recent gathering between the Legislative Assembly committee and government officials, it was clarified that the new legislation is poised to target only those gambling activities that occur in public settings. This move, aiming to preserve the social fabric of Macau's community while combating illegal gambling, delineates a clear boundary between public vice and private leisure.

We’re in our Mahjong Era, Thanks to Tile-riffic Instructor Claire Ryan

We’re in our Mahjong Era, Thanks to Tile-riffic Instructor Claire Ryan

Mahjong, a game often shrouded in mystery and steeped in tradition, is experiencing a renaissance in our community, and we have Claire Ryan to thank for it. Ryan, a passionate game enthusiast and a certified instructor, has brought the ancient game to the forefront of local entertainment through her engaging sessions and insightful teachings at Mahj with Claire, a proud limb on the expanding Oh My Mahjong network tree.

Macau's Crackdown on Illegal Mahjong: A Call for Clarity

Macau's Crackdown on Illegal Mahjong: A Call for Clarity

In the vibrant city of Macau, known globally as a gambler's paradise, a new legislative push is shedding light on a less-discussed facet of the gambling spectrum: mahjong. Lawmaker Chan Chak Mo recently amplified calls for the government to delineate its position on illegal mahjong operations, sparking a broader conversation about gambling legality and enforcement.

A Dive into the World's Most Mahjong-Themed Café: A Melange of Tradition and Quirkiness

A Dive into the World's Most Mahjong-Themed Café: A Melange of Tradition and Quirkiness

Imagine stepping into a café where every detail, from the pillows to the lamps, whispers tales of a time-honored game that has been a staple in many cultures for centuries. This isn't just any café; it's a world where mahjong isn't just a game—it's a lifestyle. The décor is charmingly eclectic, centered around everything mahjong. The attention to detail is so precise that even the pillows and lamps are adorned with the characters and symbols typically found on mahjong tiles. "Super cute!" you might think, as you take in the surroundings that ingeniously blend tradition with contemporary flair.

Enjoy a Storm-Free Monday with Sunny Skies and Cooler Temperatures

Enjoy a Storm-Free Monday with Sunny Skies and Cooler Temperatures

After a spell of tumultuous weather, Monday is set to bring a much-needed reprieve with mostly sunny skies gracing us. The temperature takes a dip to a cooler high of 90, offering a pleasant contrast to the recent heat. Notably, the humidity is also on a downward trend for tomorrow, setting the stage for a more comfortable start to the week.

Dia 12 de Julho de 2024: Um Marco na Agenda!

Dia 12 de Julho de 2024: Um Marco na Agenda!

O dia 12 de julho de 2024 está se configurando para ser uma data de grande importância, possivelmente marcada por um evento significativo ou o início de uma iniciativa empolgante. Com as inscrições marcadas para ocorrer de 28 de junho a 10 de julho de 2024, a antecipação e a preparação são palpáveis. Este é o momento para todos os envolvidos se alinharem, garantindo que possam participar plenamente do que está por vir.

The Global Fascination: Unveiling the World Mahjong Championship in France

The Global Fascination: Unveiling the World Mahjong Championship in France

In a picturesque French town, echoes of a game deeply rooted in Asian tradition found a vibrant, international stage. Villefranche-sur-Saone, a name synonymous with the rich history of Beaujolais wine, recently played host to an event that might seem, at first glance, a world away from its usual fare. The seventh edition of the World Mahjong Championship unfolded here, a testament to the game's far-reaching appeal and its ability to bridge cultures.

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